Many people will participate in sports camps or science camps this summer in order to focus on, dedicate to and improve in that thing that matters to them. Camp has always proved to be a benefit to increasing someone’s skill and abilities in the areas of which they are spending time in.
Similarly that is the purpose and philosophy of why we at Crossroads participate in church camp. We break away for a period of time to focus on God and increase our knowledge of Him to build and strengthen our relationship with Jesus.
Make plans this summer to participate in one of our many different camps and programs. Registration Costs include camp fees, meals, camp t-shirt & canteen card if applicable.
Grades based on what students will be attending next fall!
K-1st Camp Kindergarten & 1st Grade June 20 $50
2nd – 3rd Camp 2nd & 3rd Grades Jun 26-27 $100
4th & 5th Camp 4th & 5th Grades June 22-25 $155
Make plans this summer to participate in one of our many different camps and programs. Registration Costs include camp fees, meals, camp t-shirt & canteen card if applicable.
Grades based on what students will be attending next fall!
Day Camp
K – 1st Grades
June 2o
2-3 Camp
2nd-3rd Grades
June 26-27
4-5 Camp
4th-5th Grades
June 22 – 25
2025 Theme
What happens when we encounter Jesus? We are never the same. Jesus always meets us where we are, but He never intends to leave us there. Think of the countless encounters Jesus has in the gospels:
The woman at the well, Zacchaeus, Nicodemus, the lame man, the demon possessed man the crowds of people and the disciples.
All who encounter Jesus will never the same. So prepare to encounter Jesus through the experiences of others and discover how Jesus can change you.




Camp Information:
County Road 190 & Nectar
Alba, Mo. 64830
Directors of each week are recruited and trained by the camp. All directors are ministers of churches that support the camp. Most directors are involved with youth and/or children. It is the responsibility of the director to recruit, train, prepare and finalize all programming details for the week that they are serving.
It is the policy of Crossroads that whatever camp we advertise to send kids to, we will provide transportation and sponsors who will stay on site for the duration of the camp week.
Air conditioned buildings
2 Swimming pools
Soccer Field
Sand Volleyball
Basketball Courts
Tennis Courts
Transportation to and from camp is provided for the weeks that are advertised above. Jordyn Lindsay will will communicate the specifics of what you need to know before your departure date. Things like: departure time, what to pack, how much money to bring, returning time and more.
CYOKAMO provides a bunk, shower, meals, and snacks. Please bring:
Bedding – pillows, sheets & blankets and/or sleeping bag
Shower necessities
Towels – bath and beach
Personal care items
Closed-toe athletic shoes
- Flip-Flops (required to and from pool)
Sunscreen, Bug Spray, Flashlight
Bible, Notebook, Pen
Shirt, shorts, socks for each day of camp
- Extra clothes in case they get dirty.
Hoodie or Jacket
1 pair of jeans
- Swimsuit – No bikinis or swim briefs allowed
Optional items: ball glove, skateboard, frisbee discs
- Extra money for canteen, souvenirs and offerings.
No electronic devices are allowed. DO NOT BRING a cellphone, mp3 player, tablet, etc. If these items are brought to camp, they will be confiscated until the end of that camp session.
You will have the option to purchase a full or half canteen card at registration so you can avoid bringing extra money for this. Cost for a canteen card is still pending.
If students would like to purchase souvenirs at the canteen or give money for the offering, you will need to bring extra money for this to camp.
Registration will begin in March:
- Use the “Register for Camp“ button on this page to get started
- Complete the Crossroads Camp Registration form by following the steps and answering all required questions. Make sure to register your kids for the camp based on the grade they will be next fall.
- Once you have completed the Crossroads Camp form you will receive an email confirmation for your child’s registration. On that confirmation there will be a link to the CYOKAMO Medical Release form and a link to the the PushPay pay portal.
- Click the link and complete the CYOKAMO Medical Release Form.
- Click the link and complete the Puspay Pay portal and then make your final payment. Note: If you pay using the PushPay portal you will see a $2 per registrant increase. This extra $2 is to cover the cost of using PushPay. You can also pay by cash or check to avoid the extra $2 per registrant charge. Physical payment must be given to Jordyn directly. Do not put this payment in the offering boxes.
- You are not considered fully registered until you have complete the Crossroads Camp form, the CYOKAMO Medical Release form and made your payment.
- If you are using the Church Center app you will be able to check your progress and confirm that all of your registration steps are complete.
- Registration deadline for all camps is June 15th.
The Missions Ministry Team of Crossroads offers a 50% scholarship for summer camps up to $105 per camper per summer. Scholarship does not apply to the t-shirt and canteen card costs.
This scholarship is available to any Crossroads regular attending family or students who do not have a church home.
The scholarship is applied at registration. During the registration process you acknowledge that you would like to receive the scholarship. When you go to pay, you will need to also select the right registration option to apply the scholarship discount.