One of the pillars of ministry at Crossroads is our Ministry Teams.  Ministry Teams is both an opportunity and a responsibility for everyone who calls Crossroads their home.

Ministry Teams as an Opportunity

Serving is an opportunity to contribute to the physical and spiritual health and function of Crossroads Christian Church.  Through serving you have the opportunity to get to know others and to build relationships that will last and minister to the needs of others.

In addition, when you offer yourself to help serve the needs of others…you discover a stronger sense of who God wants you to be and develop the skills for God’s purpose in you.

Ministry Teams as a Responsibility

Jesus said in Matt 20:25-28, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Serving is not to be viewed as a feel-good option.  Serving is to be viewed as a sacrificial responsibility.  Jesus showed us his love by serving us…and we should do so likewise.


Explore Ministry Team Options:

To explore the many ways you can serve on a Crossroads Ministry Team, simply click one of the tabs below and then scroll down to see a full description of that Ministry Team Function.  When you are ready to sign up you can click the Sign Up link below or on each of the description pages.  You may even find it worth your time to sign up for 2 or 3 Ministry Teams.

Explore Ministry Team Options:

To explore the many ways you can serve on a Crossroads Ministry Team, simply click one of the tabs below and then scroll down to see a full description of that Ministry Team Function.  When you are ready to sign up you can click the Sign Up link below or on each of the description pages.  You may even find it worth your time to sign up for 2 or 3 Ministry Teams.

Click tab and then scroll to the bottom for details.

Building Team Purpose:

To Maintain and enhance the appearance and function of the church building in a way that promotes effective ministry.


Ways to Serve:

Maintain and/or repair walls, flooring, cabinets, fixtures, etc.

Maintain various systems in the building (electrical, plumbing, furnaces, AC, network and AV.).

General trouble-shooting as it pertains to the building.

Help oversee improvements to the facility.

Participate in work days throughout the year.  Work days are on  Saturdays from 8:00a to 12:00p approximately every 6 weeks to give ample opportunity to participate without having to attend every event.


Leader Info:

Matthew Souder


Sign Up for this team!


Children’s Team Purpose:

Crossroads Kids exists to INSPIRE children with the truth of God’s word, EQUIP them to apply His word in their daily living, and to SUPPORT them and their families for a lifetime of service to Jesus Christ.

From teaching the littlest ones that Jesus loves them, all the way to primarily adult interactions within the children’s ministry, the volunteer possibilities are endless! My goal as the children’s pastor, related to recruiting and retaining volunteers, is that you are serving in a place where you get to use the gifts God gave you to the benefit of HIS kingdom. My goal, related to the children I get to interact with within the children’s ministry, is that they age out of Crossroads Kids knowing God and His love on a personal level – desiring to know Him more each and every day. YOU get to be part of equipping children with tools such as how to pray, how to read the Bible, and so much more!

If you’ve ever thought that serving in children’s ministry might be something for you, I want to encourage you to try it out! The onboarding process for new volunteers consists of an initial get-to-know you/me meeting, an evaluation of your gifts, a background check (required), and at least two shadowing opportunities. That’s all there is! If you go through the process and at the end of your shadowing you decided that it’s not for you, no hard feelings – you tried something new, yay! Whether you decide to serve on the team or not, please keep our kids and the Crossroads Kids volunteers in your prayers. Children’s ministry is not possible without God and without this amazing team of volunteers!!

Here are some different areas you could serve.  View the Crossroads Kids Volunteer Descriptions for each postion

o Welcome Desk
o Lower Elementary
o Upper Elementary
o Pre-K
o Large Group
o Nursery

o Small Groups
o Games
o Snacks
o Set-up/Tear-down
o Check-in/Check-out



Leader Info:

Jordyn Lyndsay


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Fellowship Team Purpose:

To promote friendship-building within the church family through family-centered activities and events.


Ways to Serve:


Plan events and support other Ministry Teams with their events.

Coordinate on-going events such as PrimeTime, anniversary and ice cream social.

Serve Sunday Worship needs:

-Serve on a once per month basis.

-Provide snacks and treats for the worship band.

-Set up each Sunday in the kitchen at 8:15a.

-Provide donuts after the 8:00a and 9:15a services.

-Clean the kitchen each Sunday at 10:30a.

-Put food away, dishes, etc.

Be willing to help the Service Team to prepare food or serve at a funeral meal. Be willing to offer new ideas and ways to serve.


The Fellowship Team gets together about four times a year to brainstorm and plan activities.  We always enjoy the fellowship with each other too.


Leader Info:

Pam Allen


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Follow-Up Team Purpose:

To help people plug into the ministry, fellowship and discipleship opportunities at Crossroads.


Ways to Serve:

Follow up with new attendees by providing any needed information (Ministry Team booklets, Small Group booklets, newsletters, etc.).

Help new attendees feel comfortable on Sunday mornings, during PrimeTime gatherings, Small Group meetings, fellowship events, etc.

Invite new attendees to attend a Closer Look class.

Assist with Sunday morning connection efforts.

Encourage everyone to get plugged into a Small Group and/or Ministry Team.

Encourage others to attend upcoming church events.

Identify and reach out to people in our church family we’ve missed seeing over a period of time.



Leader Info:

Vangie Kelso


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Grounds Team Purpose:

To maintain and enhance the natural beauty and function of any exterior areas on the church property.


Ways to Serve:

Maintain a safe, clean and aesthetically pleasing outdoor area on the church property.

Keep snow and ice removed or to a minimum when the church is expected to be used.

Keep sidewalks and parking areas swept and clean from trash and debris.

Design appropriate beds of plant, trees, shrubs and flowers.

Maintain planted areas by watering, weeding, fertilizing, trimming and pruning.

Maintain sprinkler system and mechanical equipment.

Perform necessary chores such as painting, caulking or other outside structural repair.

Take part in occasional construction of outdoor items when required by the church body.


Leader Info:

Jerry Manhart

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Helping Hands Team Purpose:

To provide support and assistance in assembling and dispersing materials used for event promotions, activities or outreach.


Ways to Serve:

Sunday Morning Bulletins:  The bulletins are assembled each Friday afternoon at around 1:00p.  Volunteers will be assigned a team which will work approximately one Friday per month.  This takes about 1/2 hour per time.

Special Projects:  We also help with other special mailings or odd jobs as needed.  We have assembled Christmas bags for the Children’s Team and we have sorted candy for the Outreach team as examples.

Availability:  The majority of these tasks are done on weekday mornings or on Friday afternoon.  Typically most jobs are completed in one hour or less.


Leader Info:

Wayne & Gerri Sprowl


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Marriage Team purpose:

Crossroads Marriage Ministry exists to create opportunities within our church to encourage engaged and married couples toward oneness with each other in Christ.  Marriage is a picture of God, we are called to reflect His image through our personal relationship with Christ, and through working towards oneness with our spouse.

Some of the ways we intend to encourage this model is through:

Periodic Devotions and Prayer e-mails / Texts

Couple’s Challenges

Date Night Events

Couple-to-Couple Discipleship

Marriage Conference Offerings

Guided Pre-Marital Counseling (®Art of Marriage by ®FamilyLife)

Couple’s Small groups

special Events

Just to name a few…


Here are just a few ways you can serve…

  • Lead a Couple’s Small group (Pre-Approved content readily available)
  • Help with planning and facilitating Couples special events (Art of Marriage, Vertical Marriage, Stepping Up, Blended Family, Smart Stepparent, and other 1 or 2-day video led / Simulcast events)
  • Be part of the content creator team for our periodic devotions, prayers, Couple’s Text Challenges and more
  • Be a leader in couple-to-couple discipleship (Topics vary)
  • Help encourage couples through word-of-mouth personal connections and invitations to our events and offerings
  • Build relationships with other couples within the body to walk alongside and encourage them in their daily walk
  • Are you good at Social Media?  Be an Admin of our ministry Facebook Page posting content and answering questions
  • Attend our periodic brainstorming meetings as we pray and seek the Lord in other ways, we can serve our couples


To learn more about our ministry and how we can serve you, visit our website at: and subscribe so we can keep you up to date!


Leader Information:

Tom & Lynnea Haim

Sign up for this Team.

Media Team Purpose:

To record, duplicate and distribute audio/video messages from Crossroads so that the message of God’s love and grace can be spread to many.


Ways to Serve:

Ensure the sermon messages are recorded for later duplication.

Upload messaged to an audio Podcast website.

Burn CD’s of the message for distribution as needed.

Obtain graphics from the church for media promotions.

Fulfill requests for specific messages and series.

Work with the projection system and presentation software during Sunday morning services (including the integrated lighting system).

Ensure archiving of past messages.



Leader Info:

Stan Monger

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Men’s Team Purpose:

To equip, encourage, and engage men of all ages to walk in full faith and dependance on Jesus Christ.



Ways to Serve:

Initiate, plan and execute men’s fellowship activities.

Lead small group Bible Studies specific to the spiritual calling and growth of men.

Organize, speak and share at men’s retreats.

Invite men to participate in the body of Christ.

Disciple men one-on-one with both words and service.

Encourage brothers to continue their walk with the Lord.

Build intergenerational relationships with other men to pass the baton of faith.

Care for men when faced with the problems of the day.



Leader Info:

James Haynes


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Missions Team Purpose:

To promote the message of God’s love both locally and abroad through evangelistic, benevolent and service-oriented efforts.


Ways to Serve:

Be prayerful, confidential and compassionate to the others.

Oversee the distribution of 10% of church general giving and create a budget toward a limited number of identified projects from those funds.

Maintain a world-wide vision by balancing local and international efforts to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Facilitate Crossroads’ involvement in being a “Living Link” missionary supporter.

Encourage the church body to be interested and involved through regular reports, community outreach opportunities, service projects and short-term mission trips.

Maintain a link to needs of those locally both in the church and outside of the church.

Assist the ministry efforts of other Ministry Teams via scholarship support.


Overseer Info:

Mark Palmer


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Music Team Purpose:

To inspire freedom of worship for all ages.


Required team member Criteria:

Able to lead and direct others in worship without attracting attention to yourself.

Able to read chord charts (instrumentalists).

Ability to memorize lyrics (vocalists)

Able to sing harmony (vocalists).

Must be comfortable being in front of large groups.

Must exhibit a certain level of aptitude in your chosen field.

Must audition privately before joining the team.


Responsibilities of a Team Member:

Be willing to study music/lyrics and be prepared prior to rehearsals

Attend rehearsals on weeks that you are scheduled to participate.

Strive for perfection to honor God with your efforts.

Welcome and embrace constructive criticism.


Ways to Serve:


Percussion, Keys,

Guitar rhythm or lead

Guitar acoustic/electric

Occasional woodwind/brass


Female lead/background

Male lead/background

Special Music


Leader Info:

Tracy Armentrout

Sign Up for this team!


Nursery Team Purpose:

The Sprouts Nursery is designed and equipped to minister to children from Birth to three years of age. It is our desire at Crossroads to have a room that is environmentally safe and clean; to establish an atmosphere of love and laughter for young children so they may experience the love of Christ from the volunteers caring for them; to give parents confidence (as best we can on our end) that their precious children are being cared for by loving and trustworthy caregivers and volunteers. We believe every child can experience the wonderful love of God through the nursery ministry.


Here is why you should join our team:

The Bible calls us to love the little children. We must take care of our most treasured little ones.

Your service allows parents to worship and also others serving to fulfill their ministry.

Your service helps your own spiritual growth.

The nursery is the first contact many families have with Crossroads and we want to make a great first impression.

While you serve you get to pray for each and every child that walks into Crossroads.


Times to Serve:

Sundays at 9:15a and 10:45a Services

1st Wednesday of the month at 6:45p PrimeTime

Your rotation can vary depending on your availability.  We are flexible and will work with any and all schedules.


Leader Info:

Melissa Garcia

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Outreach Team Purpose:

To promote Crossroads Christian Church in the community and surrounding area by hosting fun events that allow us to connect with people and influence them toward Christ and the church.


Ways to Serve:

Help organize and promote Outreach Team events through local media, community boards, invite cards, door hangers and mailings.

Design and assemble a float for the Old Shawnee Days parade.  Recruit individuals and families of Crossroads to participate in walking in the parade.

Help with a fall event such as Trunk-or-Treat.

Help with a summer event such as Family Movie Night.

Seek out new opportunities to share Crossroads with the community.


Leader Info:

Tara Wilcox

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Pastoral Care Team Purpose:

To provide personal Christian care for the congregation using Jesus Christ as our example.


Ways to Serve:

Stephen Ministry

Equipping people to provide confidential, one-to-one care to individuals in our congregation and community who are facing a crisis, challenge or simply going through a tough time.

-Must complete 50 hours of training.

-Must meet twice a month with other Stephen Ministers for continuing education and support.

-Must meet weekly with assigned individuals needing care.

-Must maintain contact via phone, email, text, cards.

Prayer Team

Prayer has an amazing power to effect the purposes of God.  Our  Prayer Team is a group of individuals who have committed to praying for people and issues that are shared through e-mail.

General Care

Providing individuals of the Crossroads congregation with:

Visitation:  In homes or hospitals visits to provide encouragement for a variety of reasons including the grieving and dying.

Serving:  Doing work to meet the needs in individual ways.

Relationship Building:  Strengthening the connection to the body of Christ.

Listening:  To learn and provide support through listening.

Provide comfort:  Helping those who are hurting.


Leader Info:

Brad Fangman  

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Production Team Purpose:

To add a visually creative element to our worship, website and programs to enhance the Crossroads Mission to bring people to Jesus.


Ways to Serve:

Capture and broadcast live feeds of our Sunday morning services.

Make a video recording (DVD of the Sunday message to be distributed by the Media Team.

Produce announcements/commercials for other ministry teams to enhance an event or function.

Produce testimonial videos to be used to encourage others.

Produce video skits and dramatizations to illustrate a point for Sunday morning messages.

Set up and put away equipment properly and carefully.


Volunteers to this ministry need to exhibit a certain amount of technical aptitude and have some video/photographic experience to unsure training ability on the equipment being used.


Leader Info:

Mark Palmer

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Service Team Purpose:

To enhance lives, homes and hearts by providing for the physical needs of God’s people by accessing services and resources that exist within the church body.


Ways to Serve:

Meals of Love: When a regular attendee experiences an illness, birth or death in their immediate family or household, meals can be provided on an as needed basis. The length of time that meals will be provided will be evaluated per each request.

Funeral Meals: Provide food items and service for a meal as need arises.

Basic Services: Provide volunteer assistance as appropriate for special needs of regular attendees.

Team members are to be proactive in being aware of member needs and reporting these needs to the Service Team Leaders.

Team members will follow-up with elderly and/or disabled members for any projects needed. (For example: basic automotive or household repair, maintenance, yard work, etc.)

Team members will be alert for opportunities to serve those in need outside our congregation and reporting these needs to the Service Team Leaders for evaluation.

Support Other Ministries:

Support church-wide service projects by providing basic volunteer assistance for special or specific needs as requested by other ministry teams.


Leader Info:

Brad & Pam Fogo


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Set-Up Team Purpose:

To prepare a place for the church that will provide an environment conducive for worshiping God and teaching His word.


Ways to Serve:

Before Sunday Morning Worship:

Set up the MPR and Loft worship areas, brew coffee and prepare communion.

During Sunday Morning Worship:

Monitor the occupancy rate and set up additional chairs as needed.

After Sunday Morning Worship:

Disassemble the worship areas.

Additional needs:

Maintain a rotating schedule for set-up team and communion team.

Set up for PrimeTime and Closer Look events.

Set up and tear down for special events as necessary.


Leader Info:

Russell Moore

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Small Groups Team Purpose:

To facilitate Bible Study, a sense of community, personal growth and the meeting of needs through Small Groups according to the pattern practiced by Jesus Christ and His disciples.


Ways to Serve:

Lead a Small Group Bible Study that is open to participants from the church family and community.  This includes that you:

-Ensure the teachings and study materials are consistent with God’s word.

-Encourage all group members to live a life of obedience to God’s word.

-Maintain a vision of outreach within the group.

-Create a comfortable, friendly environment at meeting times that will promote honest conversation and the sharing of prayer requests.

-Respond to group members on an individual basis in their times of need and notify the prayer chain or appropriate leaders or staff when necessary.


Team Member Requirements:

Leaders must be a student of the Word and commit to his/her own spiritual growth.

Leaders must have attended a Closer Look Class prior to leading.

Leaders who are not members must sign a “doctrinal statement”.

Leaders must maintain regular Sunday morning attendance.


Leader Info:

Brad Fangman

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Sound Team Purpose:

To manage and operate the church sound system for rehearsal, Sunday morning worship and special events and services.


Ways to Serve:

Before Each Worship Service:

-Turn on and check all equipment needed that day.

-Communicate with participants of the service to prepare for their needs.

-Participate in worship rehearsals during week and on Sunday morning.

-Play appropriate music before service.

During Each Worship Service:

-Operate and monitor the sound board and equipment to ensure a proper volume and balance.

-Play any CD’s/MP3’s as needed for worship.

After Each Worship Service:

-Play appropriate recorded music at conclusion of the service.

-Turn off and secure all equipment.

-Dismantle and secure all wireless microphones and equipment.

On an Ongoing Basis:

-Be available for continued training and updates.

-Report any repairs or upkeep needs to team leader.

-Authorize and supervise the use of sound equipment for all special events.


Leader Info:

Dan Simmons


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Student Team Purpose:

To create a movement that instills an innate knowledge of love, worth, and purpose within students through a foundation of disciples who make disciples.

We aim for each student to feel seen and heard, to encourage them with the word of God, to have fun, and to cultivate a faith that will last long into adulthood.

Student Discipleship: Student discipleship strives to introduce and develop a relationship with Christ. Those who disciple students can alter the trajectory of a student’s life through encouragement and wisdom to make a substantial impact on the Kingdom.

Small Group Leader:
• Role model Christian Life through leading or co-leading a student-focused small group.
• Participate in events, activities, and retreats.
• Foster community via conversations with students
• Challenge and Encourage students in their walk with Christ.

• Attend student’s games and activities (as available).
• Meet with a small group of students outside of Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings.
• Host small events with your small group of students.
• Connect with students through conversation.

Behind The Scenes:  These are jobs that help us do the work of youth ministry, but are perfect for those who are not quite ready to do student discipleship work yet.

Event Coordinator:
• Brainstorm events to break down students’ walls.
• Assist in set up and tear down of events.

Graphic Designer:
• Design Graphics for lesson series, events, and social media.

Snack Coordinator:
• Construct avenues for parents and adults to provide snacks during student events.


Leader Info:

Stephen Caudill

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Welcome Team Purpose:

To create an atmosphere of love, respect and acceptance that will encourage visitors to return and become a part of the Crossroads family.


Ways to Serve:

Attend at least one training session.

Be at church and in place 25 minutes before service begins (for the service that you are serving for).

Pass out bulletins, hold open doors, wander through the gym and help people feel welcome.

Provide guidance to visitors when needed.

Place and remove directional signs when needed.

Stay informed of upcoming events and activities so that you can recommend or inform guests and regular attendees of appropriate   resources.

Engage with and learn the names of guests and regular attendees.


Leader Info:

Cyndee & Randy Lewis


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Women’s Team Purpose:

To connect women with God by providing opportunities to assist them in building meaningful friendships with other women at Crossroads.

As women, we all have busy lives and often times find ourselves depleted of all things.  Our ministry creates opportunities to allow the Spirit of God to feed us so we have the strength to keep going.

-Monthly opportunities to connect

-Women’s Bible Studies

-Spring event

-Fall Retreat

-Christmas activity

-Naomi Project

-SWINGS Luncheon


We are stronger together.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV)


Women’s Team Leader:

Jesse Wilson

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